is it live or is it memorex?

I am usually a purist when it comes to photos, I don’t like computer art very much.  It always seems contrived and inorganic.  So when I take a picture, I try to stay away from working it too hard on the computer.  My joy comes from creating a picture that doesn’t need a lot of manipulation beyond a little cropping.

light bulbToday, it’s a bit on the hot side out there so I hurried to take some pictures only to find that they weren’t all that great. So instead of going back out, I decided to play with the toggles on iPhoto (easier than going into Photoshop although not as much fun) and see what I could do.  It’s amazing…if you aren’t worried about capturing the piece “as is” you can get some cool effects.  I let go of my purist stance and played with color and exposure.  I’m still not sure it’s all that great a photo/piece of art, but for me, it was an interesting process.

9 thoughts on “is it live or is it memorex?

  1. The picture is interesting in the end – it was very hot where I live too so I can understand your desire to continue your creativity indoors! The picture has taken an almost magical quality if that makes any sense.

  2. It’s fun to fiddle about sometimes, just to see what the options are. A lot of my photos are far from satisfactory but, in the end, for me, it is a case of ‘that is what I saw, and that is my best attempt to capture it.” I am still in awe of some of things that can be done to change, enhance or improve photos.

  3. Being a purist is over rated. Taken on it’s own merits, Photoshop can be a hoot. Just think what Rene Magritte could have done with Photoshop? 🙂

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