About me

I am a full-time artist, working mostly with steel, polymer clay, fibers and whatever else catches my eye. My award-winning sculptures can be found on my web-site.  You can also come see them in person on my property as I have recently opened my own sculpture garden. I live in Maryland (outside of Baltimore) with my husband, two dogs and two cats, whom you will probably see several times throughout the year on this blog. My other creative outlets are photography and writing, purely on an amateur basis. That is the main reason for this blog…it is a place to put all of the pictures and words that I find are taking up space in my head.


hiding under the docks
anemones hiding under the docks in Juneau, Alaska

15 thoughts on “About me

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking a post in the 2013 Lily series. I appreciate your visit and hope you come again. You have amazing sculptures and art on your website. Very impressive. Fabulous work! Blessings, Robyn

    1. Thank you for your comments about my work! I can see you put great thought into every one of your photos. Trust your instincts, asking others what their opinion will get you 1,000 different answers. Only you know which is the right one.

  2. Hi,

    I recently stumbled across your blog, and I’m very interested in your work. My name is Dan Riley; I started an online publication over at littleknowncreative.blogspot.com. If you’re interested, we’d be thrilled to feature some of your work. Please consider helping our creative community grow and thrive. You can email me at littleknownsubmissions@gmail.com.

    Dan Riley

    1. I found you through ehkstream…I have been following him for over a year. I’m glad you like my blog and I’m looking forward to learning more about nature! My blog took a slight turn after an amazing visit to Yellowstone this winter to see wolves, now I know I am an amateur naturalist and have gone in that direction with more of a purpose.

  3. I look forward to perusing your blog. You began a blog for the very same reason I did – to keep everything together in one place. I had no idea I’d be meeting so many wonderful and talented people along the way.
    AnnMarie 🙂

    1. Theresa…I’m am always honored when someone nominates me for an award. I love when my blog makes the kind of connection that the reader wants to share it with others. I generally don’t pass on awards because of time constraints, and this is a particularly busy time. If things calm down I will consider it.
      Thanks again! And I hope you continue to enjoy my blog.

    1. Toni…no, it wasn’t my giraffe…she was in Annapolis last year. She is now settled in my yard for a while as I begin my new venture into having a sculpture garden on my property.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!